Can’t Pay the Bills
Tips and advice to help you keep those bills under control and still have money for everything else
Top 5 issues:
- Real Stories: Why payday loans might not be a good idea
- Real Stories: Help when falling behind with debt repayments
- Financial Hardship Assistance
- Legal Notices
- Managing your Gas and Electricity Bills
Family / Personal Issues
Assistance and support for some of the common financial issues you might face as a family, or arise from relationship issues.
Top 5 issues:
- Financial Hardship Assistance
- Legal Notices
- Separation and Finances
- Your Credit Report and Credit Score
- Budgeting Help
Legal Threats
Help to understand the legal processes and procedures around money troubles
Top 5 issues:
- Legal Notices
- Sheriff’s Powers
- Scared to Open the Mail?
- Know the difference between a debt waiver and debt write off
- Real stories: Understanding the legal jargon in financial matters
Loans / Debts / Credit
All the borrowing basics; keeping on top of repayments, negotiating a solution, getting out of trouble. Help to stay out of a credit crunch.
Top 5 issues:
- Real Stories: Why payday loans might not be a good idea
- Real Stories: Help when falling behind with debt repayments
- Financial Hardship Assistance
- Legal Notices
- Managing your Gas and Electricity Bills
How to handle the money problems that can arise whether you've just lost your job, or are still looking for work.
Top 5 issues:
- Real Stories: Single mum found out she had income protection with her super
- Financial Hardship Assistance
- Managing your Gas and Electricity Bills
- Budgeting Help
- Rent to Own Product Rentals
Build Your Capability
A selection of useful interactive tools, from ASIC's MoneySmart website, to help you better understand, plan and improve your finances.
Top 5 tools:
- Money Terms and Definitions
- Savings Goals Calculator
- Mortgage Calculator
- Unclaimed Money Search
- Superannuation Calculator