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Savings Goals Calculator

Setting a specific savings goal gives you something tangible to work towards, such as:

  • "I'll save $400 for a new TV" or
  • "I want to pay off my $2,000 credit card debt within 12 months."

Whatever your goal, always remember that small savings over time add up to bigger savings in the long run - so every small bit really does help.

By experimenting with this MoneySmart Savings Goal calculator you can set a savings goal and work out how long or how much saving it will take to get there.

You can also see how much difference even small extra savings will make.

Better Place Australia free financial counselling

Better Place Australia free financial counselling and mediation services are available to people who have money troubles and live in one of the many government funded areas across Victoria. First step is to enquire online or request an appointment.

For more real stories about people with financial troubles and how Better Place Australia financial counsellors mediated for them, go to the Financial First Aid home page and scroll down to Real Stories.