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Medical Expenses

How to keep your medical costs down or receive guidance and help with expensive medical bills.

Options that Help

  • Use a GP who Bulk Bills.
  • Request a fee reduction due to a financial hardship position.
  • Offer a payment plan ; affordable instalments.
  • Generic Medicines.

    Where available; cheaper for the same product.

  • Check your insurance coverage.

    Eg., life insurance through a super fund may pay a lump sum for certain major illnesses and injuries.

  • Local Council.

    Local Councils may assist with home help at a low cost – check eligibility requirements.

  • Apply for Centrelink Advance.
  • Early Access to Superannuation.

    May be eligible for Early Access to funds, in limited circumstances. Read more or contact your super fund.


  • Do I have to pay for an Ambulance?

    Compared to the costs of Ambulance transport, Ambulance membership is a low cost way to ensure you avoid these charges. Holders of certain Health Care Cards and Pensioner Concession cards may receive free emergency transport. For full details check with Ambulance Victoria ( link below).